
In this short part, we'll cover two coding rules enforced by the compiler as well as the standard library's naming convention.

Zig does not allow variables to go unused. The following gives two compile-time errors:

const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() void {
	const sum = add(8999, 2);

fn add(a: i64, b: i64) i64 {
	// notice this is a + a, not a + b
	return a + a;

The first error is because sum is an unused local constant. The second error is because b is an unused function parameter. For this code, these are obvious bugs. But you might have legitimate reasons for having unused variables and function parameters. In such cases, you can assign the variables to underscore (_):

const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() void {
	_ = add(8999, 2);

	// or

	const sum = add(8999, 2);
	_ = sum;

fn add(a: i64, b: i64) i64 {
	_ = b;
	return a + a;

As an alternative to doing _ = b;, we could have named the function parameter _, though, in my opinion, this leaves a reader guessing what the unused parameter is:

fn add(a: i64, _: i64) i64 {

Notice that std is also unused but does not generate an error. At some point in the future, expect Zig to also treat this as a compile-time error.

Zig doesn't allow one identifier to "hide" another by using the same name. This code, to read from a socket, isn't valid:

fn read(stream: std.net.Stream) ![]const u8 {
	var buf: [512]u8 = undefined;
	const read = try stream.read(&buf);
	if (read == 0) {
		return error.Closed;
	return buf[0..read];

Our read variable shadows our function name. I am not a fan of this rule as it generally leads developers to use short meaningless names. For example, to get this code to compile, I'd change read to n. This is a case where, in my opinion, developers are in a much better position to pick the most readable option.

Besides rules enforced by the compiler, you are, of course, free to follow whatever naming convention you prefer. But it does help to understand Zig's own naming convention since much of the code you'll interact with, from the standard library to third party libraries, makes use of it.

Zig source code is indented with 4 spaces. I personally use a tab which is objectively better for accessibility.

Function names are camelCase and variables are snake_case. Types are PascalCase. There is an interesting intersection between these three rules. Variables which reference a type, or functions which return a type, follow the type rule and are PascalCase. We already saw this, though you might have missed it.

std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{@TypeOf(.{.year = 2023, .month = 8})});

We've seen other builtin functions: @import, @rem and @intCast. Since these are functions they are camelCase. @TypeOf is also a builtin function, but it's PascalCase, why? Because it returns a type and thus the type naming convention is used. Were we to assign the result of @TypeOf to a variable, using Zig's naming convention, that variable should be PascalCase also:

const T = @TypeOf(3)
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{T});

The zig executable does have a fmt command which, given a file or a directory, will format the file based on Zig's own style guide. It doesn't cover everything though, for example it will adjust indentation and brace positions, but won't change identifier casing.
