Everything we've seen so far has been constrained by requiring an upfront size. Arrays always have a compile-time known length (in fact, the length is part of the type). All of our strings have been string literals, which have a compile-time known length.
Furthermore, the two types of memory management strategies we've seen, global data and the call stack, while simple and efficient, are limiting. Neither can deal with dynamically sized data and both are rigid with respect to data lifetimes.
This part is divided into two themes. The first is a general overview of our third memory area, the heap. The other is Zig's straightforward but unique approach to managing heap memory. Even if you're familiar with heap memory, say from using C's malloc
, you'll want to read the first part as it is quite specific to Zig.
The heap is the third and final memory area at our disposal. Compared to both global data and the call stack, the heap is a bit of a wild west: anything goes. Specifically, within the heap, we can create memory at runtime with a runtime known size and have complete control over its lifetime.
The call stack is amazing because of the simple and predictable way it manages data (by pushing and popping stack frames). This benefit is also a drawback: data has a lifetime tied to its place on the call stack. The heap is the exact opposite. It has no built-in life cycle, so our data can live for as long or as short as necessary. And that benefit is its drawback: it has no built-in life cycle, so if we don't free data no one will.
Let's look at an example:
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var arr = try allocator.alloc(usize, try getRandomCount());
defer allocator.free(arr);
for (0..arr.len) |i| {
arr[i] = i;
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{arr});
fn getRandomCount() !u8 {
var seed: u64 = undefined;
try std.posix.getrandom(std.mem.asBytes(&seed));
var random = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
return random.random().uintAtMost(u8, 5) + 5;
We'll cover Zig allocators shortly, for now know that the allocator
is a std.mem.Allocator
. We're using two of its methods: alloc
and free
. Because we're calling allocator.alloc
with a try
, we know that it can fail. Currently, the only possible error is OutOfMemory
. Its parameters mostly tell us how it works: it wants a type (T
) as well as a count and, on success, returns a slice of []T
. This allocation happens at runtime - it has to, our count is only known at runtime.
As a general rule, every alloc
will have a corresponding free
. Where alloc
allocates memory, free
releases it. Don't let this simple code limit your imagination. This try alloc
+ defer free
pattern is common, and for good reason: freeing close to where we allocate is relatively foolproof. But equally common is allocating in one place while freeing in another. As we said before, the heap has no builtin life cycle management. You can allocate memory in an HTTP handler and free it in a background thread, two completely separate parts of the code.
As a small detour, the above code introduced a new language feature: defer
which executes the given code, or block, on scope exit. "Scope exit" includes reaching the end of the scope or returning from the scope. defer
isn't strictly related to allocators or memory management; you can use it to execute any code. But the above usage is common.
Zig's defer is similar to Go's, with one major difference. In Zig, the defer will be run at the end of its containing scope. In Go, defer is run at the end of the containing function. Zig's approach is probably less surprising, unless you're a Go developer.
A relative of defer
is errdefer
which similarly executes the given code or block on scope exit, but only when an error is returned. This is useful when doing more complex setup and having to undo a previous allocation because of an error.
The following example is a jump in complexity. It showcases both errdefer
and a common pattern that sees init
allocating and deinit
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub const Game = struct {
players: []Player,
history: []Move,
allocator: Allocator,
fn init(allocator: Allocator, player_count: usize) !Game {
var players = try allocator.alloc(Player, player_count);
errdefer allocator.free(players);
var history = try allocator.alloc(Move, player_count * 10);
return .{
.players = players,
.history = history,
.allocator = allocator,
fn deinit(game: Game) void {
const allocator = game.allocator;
Hopefully this highlights two things. First, the usefulness of errdefer
. Under normal conditions, players
is allocated in init
and released in deinit
. But there's an edge case when the initialization of history
fails. In this case and only this case we need to undo the allocation of players
The second noteworthy aspect of this code is that the life cycle of our two dynamically allocated slices, players
and history
, is based on our application logic. There's no rule that dictates when deinit
has to be called or who has to call it. This is good, because it gives us arbitrary lifetimes, but bad because we can mess it up by never calling deinit
or calling it more than once.
Just above, I mentioned that there were no rules that govern when something has to be freed. But that's not entirely true, there are a few important rules, they're just not enforced except by your own meticulousness.
The first rule is that you can't free the same memory twice.
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var arr = try allocator.alloc(usize, 4);
std.debug.print("This won't get printed\n", .{});
The last line of this code is prophetic, it won't be printed. This is because we free
the same memory twice. This is known as a double-free and is not valid. This might seem simple enough to avoid, but in large projects with complex lifetimes, it can be hard to track down.
The second rule is that you can't free memory you don't have a reference to. That might sound obvious, but it isn't always clear who is responsible for freeing it. The following creates a new lowercase string:
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
fn allocLower(allocator: Allocator, str: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
var dest = try allocator.alloc(u8, str.len);
for (str, 0..) |c, i| {
dest[i] = switch (c) {
'A'...'Z' => c + 32,
else => c,
return dest;
The above code is fine. But the following usage isn't:
fn isSpecial(allocator: Allocator, name: [] const u8) !bool {
const lower = try allocLower(allocator, name);
return std.mem.eql(u8, lower, "admin");
This is a memory leak. The memory created in allocLower
is never freed. Not only that, but once isSpecial
returns, it can never be freed. In languages with garbage collectors, when data becomes unreachable, it'll eventually be freed by the garbage collector. But in the above code, once isSpecial
returns, we lose our only reference to the allocated memory, the lower
variable. The memory is gone until our process exits. Our function might only leak a few bytes, but if it's a long running process and this function is called repeatedly, it will add up and we'll eventually run out of memory.
At least in the case of double free, we'll get a hard crash. Memory leaks can be insidious. It isn't just that the root cause can be difficult to identify. Really small leaks or leaks in infrequently executed code, can be even harder to detect. This is such a common problem that Zig does provide help, which we'll see when talking about allocators.
The alloc
method of std.mem.Allocator
returns a slice with the length that was passed as the 2nd parameter. If you want a single value, you'll use create
and destroy
instead of alloc
and free
. A few parts back, when learning about pointers, we created a User
and tried to increment its power. Here's the working heap-based version of that code using create:
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var user = try allocator.create(User);
defer allocator.destroy(user);
user.id = 1;
user.power = 100;
std.debug.print("User {d} has power of {d}\n", .{user.id, user.power});
fn levelUp(user: *User) void {
user.power += 1;
pub const User = struct {
id: u64,
power: i32,
The create
method takes a single parameter, the type (T
). It returns a pointer to that type or an error, i.e. !*T
. Maybe you're wondering what would happen if we created our user
but didn't set the id
and/or power
. This is like setting those fields to undefined
and the behavior is, well, undefined.
When we explored dangling pointers, we had a function incorrectly return the address of the local user:
pub const User = struct {
fn init(id: u64, power: i32) *User{
var user = User{
.id = id,
.power = power,
return &user;
In this case, it might have made more sense to return a User
. But sometimes you will want a function to return a pointer to something it creates. You'll do this when you want a lifetime to be free from the call stack's rigidity. To solve our dangling pointer above, we could have used create
fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, id: u64, power: i32) !*User{
const user = try allocator.create(User);
user.* = .{
.id = id,
.power = power,
return user;
I've introduced new syntax, user.* = .{...}
. It's a bit weird, and I don't love it, but you will see it. The right side is something you've already seen: it's a structure initializer with an inferred type. We could have been explicit and used: user.* = User{...}
. The left side, user.*
, is how we dereference a pointer. &
takes a T
and gives us *T
. .*
is the opposite, applied to a value of type *T
it gives us T
. Remember that create
returns a !*User
, so our user
is of type *User
One of Zig's core principle is no hidden memory allocations. Depending on your background, that might not sound too special. But it's a sharp contrast to what you'll find in C where memory is allocated with the standard library's malloc
function. In C, if you want to know whether or not a function allocates memory, you need to read the source and look for calls to malloc
Zig doesn't have a default allocator. In all of the above examples, functions that allocated memory took an std.mem.Allocator
parameter. By convention, this is usually the first parameter. All of Zig's standard library, and most third party libraries, require the caller to provide an allocator if they intend to allocate memory.
This explicitness can take one of two forms. In simple cases, the allocator is provided on each function call. There are many examples of this, but std.fmt.allocPrint
is one you'll likely need sooner or later. It's similar to the std.debug.print
we've been using, but allocates and returns a string instead of writing it to stderr:
const say = std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "It's over {d}!!!", .{user.power});
defer allocator.free(say);
The other form is when an allocator is passed to init
, and then used internally by the object. We saw this above with our Game
structure. This is less explicit, since you've given the object an allocator to use, but you don't know which method calls will actually allocate. This approach is more practical for long-lived objects.
The advantage of injecting the allocator isn't just explicitness, it's also flexibility. std.mem.Allocator
is an interface which provides the alloc
, free
, create
and destroy
functions, along with a few others. So far we've only seen the std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator
, but other implementations are available in the standard library or as third party libraries.
If you're building a library, then it's best to accept an std.mem.Allocator
and let users of your library decide which allocator implementation to use. Otherwise, you'll need to chose the right allocator, and, as we'll see, these are not mutually exclusive. There can be good reasons to create different allocators within your program.
As the name implies, the std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator
is an all around "general purpose", thread-safe allocator that can serve as your application's main allocator. For many programs, this will be the only allocator needed. On program start, an allocator is created and passed to functions that need it. The sample code from my HTTP server library is a good example:
const std = @import("std");
const httpz = @import("httpz");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var server = try httpz.Server().init(allocator, .{.port = 5882});
var router = server.router();
router.get("/api/user/:id", getUser);
try server.listen();
We create the GeneralPurposeAllocator
, get an std.mem.Allocator
from it and pass it to the init
function of the HTTP server. In a more complex project, allocator
would get passed to multiple parts of the code, each of those possibly passing it to their own functions, objects and dependencies.
You might notice that the syntax around the creation of gpa
is a little strange. What is this: GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}
? It's all things we've seen before, just smashed together. std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator
is a function, and since it's using PascalCase, we know that it returns a type. (We'll talk more about generics in the next part). Knowing that it returns a type, maybe this more explicit version will be easier to decipher:
const T = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{});
var gpa = T{};
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
Maybe you're still unsure about the meaning of .{}
. This is also something we've seen before: it's a struct initializer with an implicit type. What's the type and where are the fields? The type is an std.heap.general_purpose_allocator.Config
though it isn't directly exposed like this, which is one reason we aren't explicit. No fields are set because the Config
struct defines defaults, which we'll be using. This is a common pattern with configuration / options. In fact, we see it again a few lines down when we pass .{.port = 5882}
to init
. In this case, we're using the default value for all but one field, the port
Hopefully you were sufficiently troubled when we talked about memory leaks and then eager to learn more when I mentioned that Zig could help. This help comes from the std.testing.allocator
, which is an std.mem.Allocator
. Currently it's implemented using the GeneralPurposeAllocator
with added integration in Zig's test runner, but that's an implementation detail. The important thing is that if we use std.testing.allocator
in our tests, we can catch most memory leaks.
You're likely already familiar with dynamic arrays, often called ArrayLists. In many dynamic programming languages all arrays are dynamic arrays. Dynamic arrays support a variable number of elements. Zig has a proper generic ArrayList, but we'll create one specifically to hold integers and to demonstrate leak detection:
pub const IntList = struct {
pos: usize,
items: []i64,
allocator: Allocator,
fn init(allocator: Allocator) !IntList {
return .{
.pos = 0,
.allocator = allocator,
.items = try allocator.alloc(i64, 4),
fn deinit(self: IntList) void {
fn add(self: *IntList, value: i64) !void {
const pos = self.pos;
const len = self.items.len;
if (pos == len) {
var larger = try self.allocator.alloc(i64, len * 2);
@memcpy(larger[0..len], self.items);
self.items = larger;
self.items[pos] = value;
self.pos = pos + 1;
The interesting part happens in add
when pos == len
indicating that we've filled our current array and need to create a larger one. We can use IntList
like so:
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var list = try IntList.init(allocator);
defer list.deinit();
for (0..10) |i| {
try list.add(@intCast(i));
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{list.items[0..list.pos]});
The code runs and prints the correct result. However, even though we did call deinit
on list
, there's a memory leak. It's ok if you didn't catch it because we're going to write a test and use std.testing.allocator
const testing = std.testing;
test "IntList: add" {
var list = try IntList.init(testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit();
for (0..5) |i| {
try list.add(@intCast(i+10));
try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), list.pos);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 10), list.items[0]);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 11), list.items[1]);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 12), list.items[2]);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 13), list.items[3]);
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 14), list.items[4]);
If you're following along, place the test in the same file as IntList
and main
. Zig tests are normally written in the same file, often near the code, they're testing. When we use zig test learning.zig
to run our test, we get an amazing failure:
Test [1/1] test.IntList: add... [gpa] (err): memory address 0x101154000 leaked:
/code/zig/learning.zig:26:32: 0x100f707b7 in init (test)
.items = try allocator.alloc(i64, 2),
/code/zig/learning.zig:55:29: 0x100f711df in test.IntList: add (test)
var list = try IntList.init(testing.allocator);
[gpa] (err): memory address 0x101184000 leaked:
/code/test/learning.zig:40:41: 0x100f70c73 in add (test)
var larger = try self.allocator.alloc(i64, len * 2);
/code/test/learning.zig:59:15: 0x100f7130f in test.IntList: add (test)
try list.add(@intCast(i+10));
We have multiple memory leaks. Thankfully the testing allocator tells us exactly where the leaking memory was allocated. Are you able to spot the leak now? If not, remember that, in general, every alloc
should have a corresponding free
. Our code calls free
once, in deinit
. However, alloc
is called once in init
and then every time add
is called and we need more space. Every time we alloc
more space, we need to free
the previous self.items
var larger = try self.allocator.alloc(i64, len * 2);
@memcpy(larger[0..len], self.items);
Adding this last line, after copying the items to our larger
slice, solves the problem. If you run zig test learning.zig
, there should be no error.
The GeneralPurposeAllocator is a reasonable default because it works well in all possible cases. But within a program, you might run into allocation patterns which can benefit from more specialized allocators. One example is the need for short-lived state which can be discarded when processing is completed. Parsers often have such a requirement. A skeleton parse
function might look like:
fn parse(allocator: Allocator, input: []const u8) !Something {
const state = State{
.buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, 512),
.nesting = try allocator.alloc(NestType, 10),
defer allocator.free(state.buf);
defer allocator.free(state.nesting);
return parseInternal(allocator, state, input);
While this isn't too hard to manage, parseInternal
might need other short lived allocations which will need to be freed. As an alternative, we could create an ArenaAllocator which allows us to free all allocations in one shot:
fn parse(allocator: Allocator, input: []const u8) !Something {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const aa = arena.allocator();
const state = State{
.buf = try aa.alloc(u8, 512),
.nesting = try aa.alloc(NestType, 10),
return parseInternal(aa, state, input);
The ArenaAllocator
takes a child allocator, in this case the allocator that was passed into init
, and creates a new std.mem.Allocator
. When this new allocator is used to allocate or create memory, we don't need to call free
or destroy
. Everything will be released when we call deinit
on the arena
. In fact, the free
and destroy
of an ArenaAllocator do nothing.
The ArenaAllocator
has to be used carefully. Since there's no way to free individual allocations, you need to be sure that the arena's deinit
will be called within a reasonable memory growth. Interestingly, that knowledge can either be internal or external. For example, in our above skeleton, leveraging an ArenaAllocator makes sense from within the Parser since the details of the state's lifetime is an internal matter.
The same can't be said for our IntList
. It can be used to store 10 or 10 million values. It can have a lifetime measured in milliseconds or weeks. It's in no position to decide the type of allocator to use. It's the code making use of IntList
that has this knowledge. Originally, we managed our IntList
like so:
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var list = try IntList.init(allocator);
defer list.deinit();
We could have opted to supply an ArenaAllocator instead:
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const aa = arena.allocator();
var list = try IntList.init(aa);
defer list.deinit();
We don't need to change IntList
since it only deals with an std.mem.Allocator
. And if IntList
did internally create its own arena, that would work too. There's no reason you can't create an arena within an arena.
As a last quick example, the HTTP server I mentioned above exposes an arena allocator on the Response
. Once the response is sent, the arena is cleared. The predictable lifetime of the arena (from request start to request end), makes it an efficient option. Efficient in terms of performance and ease of use.
The last allocator that we'll look at is the std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator
which allocates memory from a buffer (i.e. []u8
) that we provide. This allocator has two major benefits. First, since all the memory it could possibly use is created upfront, it's fast. Second, it naturally limits how much memory can be allocated. This hard limit can also be seen as a drawback. Another drawbacks is that free
and destroy
will only work on the last allocated/created item (think of a stack). Freeing the non-last allocation is safe to call, but won't do anything.
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
var buf: [150]u8 = undefined;
var fa = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf);
defer fa.reset();
const allocator = fa.allocator();
const json = try std.json.stringifyAlloc(allocator, .{
.this_is = "an anonymous struct",
.above = true,
.last_param = "are options",
}, .{.whitespace = .indent_2});
defer allocator.free(json);
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{json});
The above prints:
"this_is": "an anonymous struct",
"above": true,
"last_param": "are options"
But change our buf
to be a [120]u8
and you'll get an OutOfMemory
A common pattern with FixedBufferAllocators, and to a lesser degree ArenaAllocators, is to reset
them and reuse them. This frees all previous allocations and allows the allocator to be reused.
By not having a default allocator, Zig is both transparent and flexible with respect to allocations. The std.mem.Allocator
interface is powerful, allowing specialized allocators to wrap more general ones, as we saw with the ArenaAllocator
More generally, the power and associated responsibilities of heap allocations are hopefully apparent. The ability to allocate arbitrary sized memory with an arbitrary lifetime is essential to most programs.
However, because of the complexity that comes with dynamic memory, you should keep an eye open for alternatives. For example, above we used std.fmt.allocPrint
but the standard library also has an std.fmt.bufPrint
. The latter takes a buffer instead of an allocator:
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
const name = "Leto";
var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
const greeting = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "Hello {s}", .{name});
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{greeting});
This API moves the memory management burden to the caller. If we had a longer name
, or a smaller buf
, our bufPrint
could return an NoSpaceLeft
error. But there are plenty of scenarios where an application has known limits, such as a maximum name length. In those cases bufPrint
is safer and faster.
Another possible alternative to dynamic allocations is streaming data to an std.io.Writer
. Like our Allocator
, Writer
is an interface implemented by many types, such as files. Above, we used stringifyAlloc
to serialize JSON into a dynamically allocated string. We could have used stringify
and provided a Writer
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
const out = std.io.getStdOut();
try std.json.stringify(.{
.this_is = "an anonymous struct",
.above = true,
.last_param = "are options",
}, .{.whitespace = .indent_2}, out.writer());
In many cases, wrapping our writer in an std.io.BufferedWriter
would give a nice performance boost.
The goal isn't to eliminate all dynamic allocations. It wouldn't work, as these alternatives only make sense in specific cases. But now you have many options at your disposal. From stack frames to a general purpose allocator, and all the things in between, like static buffers, streaming writers and specialized allocators.