Zig Quirks
Mar 27, 2023
I've been writing a lot of Zig lately (http.zig, log.zig and websocket.zig). I'm still in the early stages of learning, and often run into things that either surprise me or I don't understand. I figure I'm probably not the only one, so going through them might be useful.
Some of these things are probably really obvious to a lot of people.
1 - const Self = @This()
Once you start looking at Zig source code, it won't be long until you see:
const Self = @This();
First, functions that begin with @
, like @This()
, are builtin functions that are provided by the compiler. @This()
returns the type of the inner most struct/enum/union. For example, the following prints "true":
const Tea = struct {
const Self = @This();
pub fn main() !void {
std.debug.print("{}\n", .{Tea == Tea.Self});
This is often used in a method to specify the receiver:
const Tea = struct {
const Self = @This();
fn drink(self: *Self) void {
But this usage, while common, is superficial. We could just have easily written: fn drink(self: *Tea) void {...}
Where it's really useful is when we have an anonymous structure:
fn beverage() type {
return struct {
full: bool = true,
const Self = @This();
fn drink(self: *Self) void {
self.full = false;
pub fn main() !void {
var b = beverage(){};
std.debug.print("Full? {}\n", .{b.full});
std.debug.print("Full? {}\n", .{b.full});
This will print "true" followed by "false".
This example is contrived: why do we need an anonymous structure here? We don't, but this is the foundation for how Zig implements generics. For generics, we do something similar to the above (with the addition of passing a type
to our function), and thus need @This()
to reference the anonymous struct from within the anonymous struct.
2 - Files are Structures
In Zig, files are structures.
Say we wanted a Tea
structure. We could create a file named "tea.zig" and add the following:
pub const Tea = struct{
full: bool = true,
const Self = @This();
pub fn drink(self: *Self) void {
self.full = false;
Callers could then use our Tea
structure like so:
const tea = @import("tea.zig");
var t = tea.Tea{};
Or, with this superficial change:
const Tea = @import("tea.zig").Tea;
var t = Tea{};
Since files are structures, our Tea
is actually nested inside of the implicitly created file structure. As an alternative, the full contents of tea.zig could be:
full: bool = true,
const Self = @This();
pub fn drink(self: *Self) void {
self.full = false;
Which we could import with:
const Tea = @import("tea.zig");
It looks weird, but if you imagine that the contents are wrapped in a pub const default = struct { ... };
it makes sense. I was pretty confused the first time I saw one.
3 - Naming Convention
In general:
- Functions are camelCase
- Types are PascalCase
- Variables are snake_case
The main exception to this rule are functions that returns types (most commonly used with generics). These are PascalCade.
Normally, file names are snake_case. However, files that expose a type directly (like our last tea example), follow the type naming rule. Thus, the file should have been called "Tea.zig".
It's easy to follow but is more colorful than what I'm used to.
4 - .{...}
You see .{...}
throughout Zig code. This is an anonymous structure. The following compiles and prints "keemun"::
pub fn main() !void {
const tea = .{.type = "keemun"};
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{tea.type});
The above example actually has 2 anonymous structures. The first is the anonymous structure that we've assigned to the tea
variable. The other is the second parameter we passed to print
: i.e .{tea.type}
. This second version is a special type of anonymous structure with implicit field names. The field names are "0", "1", "2", ... In Zig, this is called a tuple. We can confirm the implicit field names by accessing them directly:
pub fn main() !void {
const tea = .{"keemun", 10};
std.debug.print("Type: {s}, Quality: {d}\n", .{tea.@"0", tea.@"1"});
The @"0"
syntax is necessary because 0
and 1
aren't standard identifiers (i.e. they don't begin with a letter), and thus must be quoted.
Another place that you'll see the .{...}
syntax is when the structure can be inferred. You'll commonly see this inside of a structure's init
pub const Tea = struct {
full: bool,
const Self = @This();
fn init() Self {
return .{
.full = true,
You also see it as a function parameter:
var server = httpz.Server().init(allocator, .{});
The second parameter is an httpz.Config
, which Zig can infer. Zig requires that every field be initialized, but httpz.Config
has default values for each field, so an empty struct intializer is fine. You could also specify one or more fields explicitly:
var server = httpz.Server().init(allocator, .{.port = 5040});
Zig's .{...}
is like telling the compiler "make this fit".
5 - .field = value
In the above code, we used .full = true
and .port = 5040
. This is how fields are set when a struct is initialized. I don't know if this was the intention, but it's actually consistent with how fields are generally set.
I think the following example shows how the .field = value
syntax makes sense:
var tea = Tea{.full = true};
tea.full = false;
6 - Private Struct Fields
Speaking of structure fields, they're always public. Structures and functions are private by default with an option to make them public. But struct fields can only be public. The recommendation is to document allowed/proper usage of each field.
I don't want to editorialize this post too much, but it's already caused the type of issues that you'd expect, and I think it'll only cause more difficulties in a 1.x world.
7 - const *tmp
Prior to Zig 0.10, the first line of this code:
const r = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(0).random();
std.debug.print("{d}\n", .{r.uintAtMost(u16, 1000)});
Would have been equivalent to:
var t = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(0);
const r = t.random();
From 0.10 onward however, the same line is now equivalent to:
const t = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(0);
const r = t.random();
Notice that t
has gone from being a var
to a const
. The difference is important since random()
requires a mutable value. In other words, our original code no longer works. You'll get an error saying that a *rand.Xoshiro256
was expected, but a *const rand.Xoshiro256
was found instead. To make it work, we need to split the original code and explicitly introduce the temporary variable as a var
var t = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(0);
const r = t.random();
8 - comptime_int
Zig has a powerful "comptime" feature that enables developers to do things at compile time. Logically, compile time execution can only operate on compile-time known data. To support this, Zig has a comptime_int
and comptime_float
type. Consider the following example:
var x = 0;
while (true) {
if (someCondition()) break;
x += 2;
This won't compile. x's
type is inferred as being a comptime_int
since the value, 0
, is known at compile time. The problem here is that a comptime_int
must be a const
. Of course, if we change the declaration to const x = 0;
we'll get a different error because we're trying to add 2 to a const
The solution is to explicitly define x as a usize
(or some other runtime integer type, like u64
var x: usize = 0;
9 - std.testing.expectEqual
Possibly the first test that you write will result in a surprising compilation error. Consider this code:
fn add(a: i64, b: i64) i64 {
return a + b;
test "add" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(5, add(2, 3));
If I showed you expectEqual's
signature, can you tell why it doesn't compile:
pub fn expectEqual(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected)) !void
It might be hard to tell, but the "actual" value is coerced to the same type as the "expected" value. Our above "add" test fails to compile because an i64
cannot be coereced to a comptime_int
One simple solution is to swap our parameters:
test "add" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(add(2, 3), 5);
And this does work, and a lot of people do this. The main downside is that the failure message has the expected and actual values mixed up.
The correct way to solve this is to cast our expected value to the actual type, using the @as()
test "add" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i64, 5), add(2, 3));
Now, you might think this is only a problem with comptime_int
, but you'll run into this over and over for other types as well. This test also doesn't compile:
test "hashmap: get" {
var m = std.StringHashMap([]const u8).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer m.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(null, m.get("teg"));
The return value of get
is ?[]const u8
, which is an optional (aka nullable) string. But our expected value is [correctly] null and a ?[]const u8
cannot be coerced to null
. To fix this, we must coerce null
to a ?[]const u8
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(?[]const u8, null), m.get("teg"));
10 - Shadowing
The Zig documentation states that "Identifiers are never allowed to "hide" other identifiers by using the same name." So if you have const reader = @import("reader.zig");
at the top your file, you can't have anything else named reader
in the same file.
You'll have to be more creative when coming up with variables that don't shadow existing ones (which, for me, generally means using more obscure names).