
Pools: So You Think You're Smarter Than Your GC

Jun 12, 2014

While writing about pools in the past, I've cautioned that taking over part of the garbage collector's job comes with responsibilities. A few days ago, while explaining some code to a colleague, I was reminded of this.

To exagerate the problem, we'll switch away from a bytepool to something that holds large objects, say a pool of user results:

type Pool struct {
  results chan *Result

func New(max, count int) *Pool {
  p := &Pool{
    results: make(chan *Result, count),
  for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
    pool.results <- NewResult(max, pool)
  return p

func (p *Pool) Checkout() *Result {
  //todo: use a select to handle timeout
  return <- p.results;

This is just some boilerplate pool initialization. The important code is our Result structure. The point of this structure is to avoid having to create and destroy arrays of users. This is achieved by creating a single array that can hold up to max results and re-using it:

type Result struct {
  pool *Pool
  position int
  users []*User

func NewResult(max int, pool *Pool) *Result {
  return &Result{
    pool: pool,
    position: 0,
    users: make([]User, max),

func (r *Result) Add(user *User) {
  //add bound checking?
  r.users[r.position] = user

func (r *Result) Users() []*User {
  return r.users[:r.position]

func (r *Result) Close() error {
  r.position = 0
  r.pool <- r
  return nil

The simple trick to re-using the same array is to keep a pointer, position of where we are, and resetting it once we're done.

Simple, but do you see the problem with the above? Consider this code:

pool := New(100, 1)
result := pool.Checkout()
result.Add(User.Find(1), User.Find(2))

result := pool.Checkout()

See it? Think of what still exists in memory:

//after the 1st part
root -> pool -> results[user1, user2]

//after the 2nd part
root -> pool -> results[user3, user2]

The very goal of avoiding the destruction and creation of arrays means that references held by those fixed array exist until we overwrite them. Unless you have smooth usage, you'll end up with spikes which result in pinned objects.

Is there a solution? Cristobal suggests zero-ing out the array on Close:

func (r *Result) Close() error {
  for i := 0; i < r.position; i++ {
    r.users[i] = nil
  r.position = 0
  r.pool <- r
  return nil

Compared to re-creating the array, a simplistic benchmark shows that the efficiency of this approach is tied to how big position is (obviously). At some point, re-creating the array might be better, but this is hard to measure, as it depends on memory pressure, fragmentation and so on (my simple test showed the magic number to be 130).

For us, we're using objects already pinned in memory by other parts of the system (an in-memory database). So it isn't an issue - those objects will exist for the life of the the application anyways

While there's a limit to how much you can lose this way (is isn't a true leak, even by managed-language standards), it's an important reminder that doing your own memory management requires diligence.