Elixir Without Ecto - Dynamic Queries
Feb 11, 2022
In the last post, we looked at the basic mechanism for using elixir without ecto. One thing is obviously missing from that post: support for dynamic queries. For example, to get users based on their status, we can do:
MyApp.DB.maps!("select * from users where status = $1", [user_status])
What about getting all users when user_status
is nil
? We'll need to be able to dynamically build our select statement while ensuring that we protect against SQL injections. What we're going to do is leverage our knowledge of iolists to build a query builder. Our end goal is to be able to write code like this:
q = Query.new()
|> Query.select("*")
|> Query.from("users")
q = case user_status == nil do
true -> q
false -> Query.where(q, "status", :eq, user_status)
This is different than Ecto in that its only purpose is to help us safely generate SQL, we're not concerned with mapping, migrations, models, callbacks or anything else.
The goal of this post isn't to provide a complete solution. If you're looking for that, you might want to consider Mobieus, which I've not used, but looks solid. The goal is to let you know that it's ok to use Elixir and Phoenix without Ecto. In fact, I think it's a lot better. The only thing you'll probably need is a query builder, and you can either use this post as a rough guide or use an existing tool.
We're going to build this up slowly, starting with selecting columns from tables:
defmodule A.DB.Query do
alias __MODULE__
defstruct [
def new() do
from: [],
select: nil,
def select(%{select: nil} = q, select), do: %Query{q | select: [select]}
def select(q, select), do: %Query{q | select: [q.select, ", ", select]}
def from(q, from), do: %Query{q | from: [q.from, " ", from]}
def to_sql(q) do
["select ", q.select || "*", " from", q.from]
The above skeleton captures the approach that we'll be taking; we just need to add more of the same. If you want you can extend this to suit your needs. For example, select/2
could optionally take a list of columns, or instead of relying on multiple calls to from/2
you could add a join/2
(and join_left/2
, etc). Make it your own.
For completeness here's a test that covers some of the above code:
test "builds a simple query" do
|> Query.from("users")
|> assert_query("select * from users")
|> Query.select("u.id, c.name")
|> Query.select("u.created")
|> Query.from("users u")
|> Query.from("join clients c on u.client_id = c.id")
|> assert_query("""
select u.id, c.name, u.created
from users u join clients c on u.client_id = c.id
defp assert_query(q, expected) do
actual_sql = sql
|> :erlang.iolist_to_binary()
|> String.replace(~r/\s+/, " ")
expected_sql = expected_sql
|> String.replace(~r/\s+/, " ")
|> String.trim()
assert actual_sql == expected_sql
Lets add support for group by
. The simplest thing we can do is:
defmodule A.DB.Query do
alias __MODULE__
defstruct [
def new() do
group: nil
def group(q, group), do: %Query{q | group: group}
def to_sql(q) do
sql = ["select ", q.select || "*", " from", q.from]
case q.group do
nil -> sql
group -> [sql, " group by ", group]
Along with a basic sanity test:
test "group by" do
|> Query.from("x")
|> Query.group("id")
|> assert_query("select * from x group by id")
|> Query.from("x")
|> Query.group("1, id having count(*) > 1")
|> assert_query("select * from x group by 1, id having count(*) > 1")
Our grouping API is bareboned: group/2
is meant to be called once with [optionally] a having
clause. As-is, it's pretty much as close to raw SQL as we can make it. But if we want, or need, we can make the API slightly more abstract, while remaining minimal and explicit. Consider this expanded implementation:
def group(%{group: nil} = q, group), do: %Query{q | group: [group]}
def group(q, group), do: %Query{q | group: [q.group, ", ", group]}
def having(q, having), do: %Query{q | having: having}
We could spend more time tweaking this API and supporting various use-cases. At the very least, we'd need to add support for order by
, limit
and offset
. But that largely comes down to more of what we've already done.
To make this useful, we need to support the where
clause, and more generally, parameters.
defmodule A.DB.Query do
alias __MODULE__
defstruct [
def new() do
op: " and "
where: nil,
values: [],
value_count: 0,
def where(q, predicate), do: add_where(q, predicate)
def where(q, left, :eq, value) do
{q, placeholder} = add_value(q, value)
add_where(q, [left, " = ", placeholder])
def where(q, left, :ne, value) do
{q, placeholder} = add_value(q, value)
add_where(q, [left, " != ", placeholder])
def where(q, left, :gt, value) do
{q, placeholder} = add_value(q, value)
add_where(q, [left, " > ", placeholder])
def where(q, left, :lt, value) do
{q, placeholder} = add_value(q, value)
add_where(q, [left, " < ", placeholder])
def add_value(q, value) do
count = q.value_count + 1
q = %Query{q | values: [value | q.values], value_count: count}
{q, placeholder(count)}
defp add_where(%{where: nil} = q, predicate), do: %Query{q | where: [predicate]}
defp add_where(q, predicate), do: %Query{q | where: [q.where, q.op, predicate]}
def to_sql(q) do
sql = ["select ", q.select || "*", " from", q.from]
sql = case q.where do
nil -> sql
where -> [sql, " where ", where]
sql = case q.group do
nil -> sql
group -> [sql, " group by ", group]
{sql, Enum.reverse(q.values)}
for i <- 1..100 do
s = "$#{i}"
defp placeholder(unquote(i)), do: unquote(s)
defp placeholder(i), do: "$#{i}"
We need to add a lot of where/3
functions in order to support operations like in
, any
, gte
, like
, etc. But they all work the same: using add_value/2
to add the value to query.values
and getting a placeholder (e.g. $1
) in return to place into the SQL.
Another test:
test "where" do
|> Query.from("x")
|> Query.where("status", :eq, "normal")
|> assert_query("select * from x where status = $1", ["normal"])
|> Query.from("x")
|> Query.where("deleted is null")
|> Query.where("type", :ne, "monkey")
|> Query.where("power", :gt, 9000)
|> assert_query("""
select * from x
where deleted is null
and type != $1
and power > $2
""", ["monkey", 9000])
defp assert_query(q, expected_sql, expected_values \\ []) do
{sql, values} = Query.to_sql(q)
actual_sql = sql
|> :erlang.iolist_to_binary()
|> String.replace(~r/\s+/, " ")
expected_sql = expected_sql
|> String.replace(~r/\s+/, " ")
|> String.trim()
assert actual_sql == expected_sql
assert values == expected_values
What's nice about add_value/2
is that it can be used in any part of query. Obviously we'd want to improve the API to make this more intuitive, but as-is, the following test passes:
q = Query.new()
{q, p1} = Query.add_value(q, true)
|> Query.select(p1)
|> Query.from("x")
|> assert_query("select $1 from x", [true])
The last feature we're going to add is some basic grouping for or
and and
. As you've probably noticed we currently join all where statements with and
. Let's see how we can expand this (there's a lot of ways to do this):
defmodule A.DB.Query do
alias __MODULE__
def where_or(q, fun), do: where_fun(q, fun, " or ")
def where_and(q, fun), do: where_fun(q, fun, " and ")
defp where_fun(q, fun, op) do
restore_op = q.op
existing = case q.where do
nil -> []
where -> [where, q.op]
q = fun.(%Query{q | op: op, where: nil})
%Query{q | op: restore_op, where: [existing, "(", q.where, ")"]}
The above code captures our existing where
, changes the op
, executes the function, and then merges the newly generated where with the original.
And our test:
test "filter groups" do
|> Query.from("x")
|> Query.where("a", :eq, 1)
|> Query.where_or(fn q ->
|> Query.where("b", :lt, 2)
|> Query.where("c", :gt, 3)
|> Query.where_and(fn q ->
q |> Query.where("d", :ne, 4) |> Query.where("e", :eq, 5)
|> Query.where("f", :ne, 6)
|> assert_query("""
select * from x
where a = $1
and (b < $2 or c > $3 or (d != $4 and e = $5))
and f != $6
""", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
Where you take the code next is up to you. Personally, I'd suggest you start with something similar to what we've explored so far and expand it as needed. The module is easy to test, so you should a robust safety net.
As I said earlier, you might want to look at Mobieus for something more than this quarter-baked solution. If you found this code intimidating, being comfortable with iolists both useful and important.
Elixir without Ecto isn't just possible, it's awesome. Don't be afraid.