Elixir Without Ecto
Feb 05, 2022
In this post we'll explore using PostgreSQL directly from an Elixir (or Phoenix) application. I want to keep this post objective, but I will say that, having used various data mapping patterns and tools, I've found that using SQL directly almost always results in simpler yet more flexible code. The only case where I'd consider a data mapping layer is if I had to support multiple databases (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite) within the same codebase.
Getting started is easy:
- Add a dependency to Postgrex (the same driver used by Ecto)
- Use
to start a named connection process, probably as part of your root/application supervisor
- Use
, Postgrex.query!/4
and Postgrex.transaction/3
Let's look at a basic example:
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
db_config = [
name: :mydb,
hostname: "",
database: "postgres",
children = [
{Postgrex, db_config},
Supervisor.start_link(children, [strategy: :one_for_one, name: __MODULE__])
The above, a fragment of what your application's root supervisor would look like, starts a connection manage named :mydb
, which we can use like so:
Postgrex.query!(:mydb, "select * from table where id = $1", [id])
You can find a list of configuration options in the documentation, but the most useful options are: name
, hostname
, database
, username
, password
and pool_size
I also recommend that you also set the application_name
of the parameters
name: :mydb,
hostname: "",
database: "postgres",
parameters: [application_name: "my_app"]
Which is used by PostgreSQL for various things (such as the application_name
column of the pg_stat_activity
Helper Functionality
The above is all we need to work with PostgreSQL directly. But we can make this more developer-friendly. Specifically, we can use a base module to encapsulate the code to more easily manage the connection name, as well as provide wrappers to the query
function for specific patterns (like returning a single column from a single row). As a start, consider:
defmodule A.DB do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote location: :keep do
@name __MODULE__
def child_spec(opts) do
id: __MODULE__,
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, opts}
def start_link(config) do
defaults = [name: @name, pool_size: 5]
config = Keyword.merge(defaults, config)
def query!(sql, values) do
Postgrex.query!(@name, sql, values)
It's a decent amount of code, but it doesn't do very much (yet). To use it, we create a new module and use A.DB
defmodule MyApp.DB do
use A.DB
Which can then be started in application's supervisor (instead of starting Postgrex directly, as we first saw):
children = [
{MyApp.DB, db_config},
Finally, we can use MyApp.DB.query!(sql, values)
in our code.
You can add application-specific code to the MyApp.DB
module. But there's also more generic code we can add to the base A.DB
. Right now our query!/2
is a thin wrapper around Postgrex.query!
, which returns rows and columns. But you probably execute code that: needs to know the number of affected rows (for updates and deletes), return a single value or a single row, or maybe returns the row(s) as map(s). All of these can be trivially added to A.DB
def query!(sql, values) do
Postgrex.query!(@name, sql, values)
def scalar!(sql, values) do
case query!(sql, values) do
%{rows: []} -> nil
%{rows: [[value]]} -> value
%{rows: _} ->
raise "scalar returned multiple columns and/or rows"
def row!(sql, values) do
case query!(sql, values) do
%{rows: []} -> nil
%{rows: [row]} -> row
_ ->
raise "row! returned multiple rows"
def rows!(sql, values), do: query!(sql, values).rows
def affected!(sql, values), do: query!(sql, values).num_rows
def map!(sql, values) do
case query!(sql, values) do
%{rows: []} -> nil
%{rows: [row], columns: columns} -> mapify(columns, row)
_ ->
raise "map! returned multiple rows"
def maps!(sql, values) do
case query!(sql, values) do
%{rows: []} -> nil
%{rows: rows, columns: columns} ->
Enum.map(rows, fn row -> mapify(columns, row) end)
_ ->
raise "maps! returned multiple rows"
defp mapify(columns, row) do
|> Enum.zip(row)
|> Map.new()
The map(s) returned from map!/2
and maps!/2
have string-based keys, based on the column names being returned. You might want to atomify those keys, which is fine, so long as your column names aren't dynamic and you understand that atom's aren't garbage collected. You can change the above code to always use atom keys, or you can make it an optional argument to the functions.
The final piece that we're missing are transactions. So far, the first parameter that we've passed to the Postgrex.query!
function has been the name of our connection (i.e. @name
which is our module name, MyApp.DB
in this case). However, this function also accepts a connection value created by Postgrex.transaction
. We can use this and make all of our above function either take a connection object directly, or default to using @name
. So, query!
def query!(sql, values), do: query!(@name, sql, values)
def query!(conn, sql, values, opts \\ []) do
Postgrex.query!(conn, sql, values, opts)
And scalar!
def scalar!(sql, values), do: scalar!(@name, sql, values)
def scalar!(conn, sql, values, opts \\ []) do
case query!(conn, sql, values, opts) do
%{rows: []} -> nil
%{rows: [[value]]} -> value
%{rows: unknown} ->
Log.error("scalar!", sql: sql, values: values)
raise "scalar returned multiple columns and/or rows"
We can repeat this pattern for each function, and, finally, add a thin wrapper for Postgrex.transaction
def transaction!(fun, opts \\ []) do
case Postgrex.transaction(@name, fun, opts) do
{:ok, res} -> res
{:error, :rollback} -> raise "transaction! rollback"
err -> err
Which we can then use like so:
alias MyApp.DB
DB.transaction!(fn tx ->
if DB.affected!(tx, "update users set status = 'deleted' where id = $1", [id]) == 1 do
DB.query!(tx, "insert into audit_log ....", ...)
end, [timeout: 30_000])
This gist contains the full code. You should keep in mind that this is only meant as a base template. You should personalize and optimize this to fit your needs. In the next part, we'll look at writing a simple query object, which will help use write safe dynamic SQL while staying relatively close to raw SQL.