Comptime as Configuration
Jan 10, 2025
If you look at my httpz library, you'll notice that httpz.Server(T)
is a generic. The type passed to Server
serves two purposes. The first is to support an application-specific context - whatever instance of T
passed into Server(T).init
gets passed back to your custom HTTP handlers.
But the other purpose of T
is to act as a configuration object. For example, if you want to circumvent most of httpz' request processing, you can define a T.handle
const App = struct {
pub fn handle(app: *App, req: *Request, res: *Response) void {
This is how Jetzig uses httpz. In my Basic MetaProgramming post, we looked at how a few of Zig's built-in functions and std.meta
namespace can help us write this kind of code. For the specific case of the handle
override, it looks something like:
if (comptime std.meta.hasFn(Handler, "handle")) {
if (comptime @typeInfo(@TypeOf(Handler.handle)).@"fn".return_type != void) {
@compileError(@typeName(Handler) ++ ".handle must return 'void'");
self.handler.handle(&req, &res);
The return-type check is there to make it clear that the custom handle
cannot return an error (or anything else). There are a few different possible overrides in httpz, but they're more or less variations of the above.
More recently, in Zig Template Language, I extended this pattern to include scalar configuration:
const AppTemplate = struct {
pub const ZtlConfig = struct {
pub const escape_by_default = true;
pub const deduplicate_string_literals = true;
To get a specific configuration value, you do:
const Defaults = struct {
pub const escape_by_default: bool = false;
pub const deduplicate_string_literals: bool = true;
pub fn extract(comptime A: type, comptime field_name: []const u8) @TypeOf(@field(Defaults, field_name)) {
const App = switch (@typeInfo(A)) {
.@"struct" => A,
.pointer => |ptr| ptr.child,
.void => void,
else => @compileError("Template App must be a struct, got: " ++ @tagName(@typeInfo(A))),
if (App != void and @hasDecl(App, "ZtlConfig") and @hasDecl(App.ZtlConfig, field_name)) {
return @field(App.ZtlConfig, field_name);
return @field(Defaults, field_name);
One reason I went with this approach is that, as with httpz, the type is needed anyways. Like httpz, it's possible to extend the functionality of ztl and add a application-specific context. The obviously downside is that the user of the library has to create a comptime-known configuration.
The benefit of this approach is the opportunity for some optimization. In most cases, that's simply being able to do conditional checks at compile-time rather than runtime. But some optimizations can be a little more meaningful. For example, ztl's VM will use a u8
or a u16
depending on the max_locals
configuration, and because max_call_frames
is known at compile time, the VM's call stack can be allocated on the stack.
I'm not suggestion that all configuration should be like this. However, if you're building a library and want to provide hooks for users to override or add behavior, I think doing feature detection on a provided T: type
is a good approach. Unless you have really good reason to, you probably should not do this for normal options - it makes your library much more rigid by requiring that the user of your library know the options at comptime.