
Automatically Processing Emails

Apr 29, 2011

I recently had the need to automatically parse emails. Specifically, I wanted to associate email replies with an original document. The common case for this is a ticketing system where users can reply to an email in order to have the ticket updated.

I had no idea how to do this, but it turned out to be a 5 minute job. The approach that I took was to make it so that each email was sent from a distinct address, say support-1234@openmymind.net. 1234 is actually the associated document id. But generating a smart from address is one thing, how do you actually go about receiving this and running code?

There are two pieces to this puzzle. The first is Mailman, which is a dead simple mail processing microframework. For my simple case, all I really need to do was:

Mailman::Application.run do
	to '%user%@blah.com' do
		parts = params[:user].split('-', 2)
		return unless parts.length == 2

		id = parts[1]
		#todo update the document with an _id of id with message.body

Here we are routing based on the to field and a automatic capture named user. Mailman supports routing on additional fields (subject, body, ...) and more advanced regular expression matching. The email is available in a variable named message.

But how do we actually get our emails? Mailman supports different types of receivers, but the simplest to use is POP3 with a Google Apps account configured with a catch-all email. I'm not going to go over how to setup a Google Apps account. However, once you do have it set up, we simply add the following code before our previous example:

Mailman.config.poll_interval = 30 # check the pop3 server every 30 seconds
Mailman.config.ignore_stdin = true

Mailman.config.pop3 = {
  :username => 'support@blah.com', #the address the catch-all forwards to
  :password => 'blahblahblah',
  :server   => 'pop.gmail.com',
  :port     => 995,
  :ssl      => true

And that's really all there is to that.